It can be temping for founders to run their own expenses through the business they founded, they may think this is their company and as such their assets they are deploying. Unfortunately, this is not the case when it comes to a Proprietary Limited company, where the company exists separate to it’s founder. This raises issues that the founder then has to deal with, which can lead to unintended tax issues, for the company and the individual.
Should You Be Running Personal Expenses Through Your Business?
By Rhys Lyons on Nov 24, 2022 2:53:14 PM
Part-time employees choosing “public holiday” days leading up to the New Year is not on
By Kylie Maxwell on Nov 24, 2022 2:47:56 PM
Generally part-time workers are assumed by most Awards and the Fair Work Act 2009 and Fair Work Regulation 2009 to be working on fixed days every week, however we know that, particularly since the onslaught of COVID‑19 and in the increased movement of employers to make flexible arrangements with their employees in some industries that there are roles where permanent part-time employees have the flexibility to choose their own working days every week. It may not be a true permanent part time arrangement under the law but employers are certainly paying leave entitlements out to these employees and treating them as permanent staff members.
Corporate Trusts: A way to protect your assets
By Breeann Lalao on Nov 24, 2022 2:33:05 PM
Corporate Trust:
5 Reasons Why a Family Lawyer is a Need, not an Option
By Karla Elias on Nov 24, 2022 2:30:44 PM
The family law system has always been thought of as one of the friendliest for self-represented litigants. The Courtroom protocol is a little more lax, the jargon a little less heavy and the Court officials a little more understanding. This has led many to question the need for a family lawyer.
Demystifying the Business Sales Process: Step 1 - know your buyers.
By James Frank on Nov 1, 2022 12:32:29 PM
Over the next few months we will be demystifying the sales process and taking you through, in our mind, the key steps that a business owner needs to take in order to take their business to market.
A Final Hearing, what is it? How did I get here?
By Georgia Owers on Nov 1, 2022 12:19:09 PM
Steps to be Completed Prior to a Final Hearing
Family Violence and Cross-Examination: Does the Law Care?
By Ben Woodward on Nov 1, 2022 12:16:31 PM
The often sensitive and emotion-charged nature of family law parenting proceedings means that the Australian judicial system must adapt the ordinarily strict rules of evidence and cross-examination to more appropriately deal with the complex circumstances that may arise in a family law situation. Section 102NA of the Family Law Act (Cth) (‘FLA’) presents a recent example of how the legislature has chosen to navigate the sensitive issue of family violence in the context of parenting and property cases.
What to do when you have too many shareholders
By Roshan Sidhu on Oct 25, 2022 9:28:57 AM
Often times businesses that are rapidly growing (and fundraising) run into a key issue – they take on too many shareholders to remain a private company and breach (or will soon breach) the 50 shareholder (non-employee) limit.
Facial Recognition: A Sensitive Subject
By Andrea Harrold on Oct 24, 2022 1:46:30 PM
It will come as no surprise to anyone who is somewhat technologically literate, that as technology advances, the concerns about privacy also increase. A valid concern considering the difference in speed at which technology and the law move. Overseas, facial recognition technology is used by government to create a social credit system for citizens, where their every move affects their standing in society, made possible only through this technological advance. In Australia, the concerns over a citizen’s privacy mean that all must tread carefully when obtaining and using a person’s private information, but this concern has not stopped businesses in using this technology. As citizens, we hope that the benefits to the bottom line do not invade our privacy to the extent seen overseas, but recent investigations and complaints made against a number of corporations indicate that perhaps this technology, is more far extensively used here than expected. But is it legal at the end of the day for these businesses to be using facial recognition technology?
Safe harbour needed to weather the storm?
By Cathryn Badenhorst on Oct 24, 2022 11:46:17 AM
It is tough for businesses at the moment. Employees are hard to find and keep. Interest rates are rising. As are fuel prices. Record setting weather events are moving across large parts of the country. A war halfway across the world is pushing out costs at home. Global and local market fluctuations. Isolation requirements have lifted, but business is not what it was before the COVID-19 pandemic. A perfect storm. Certainly, there is currently no shortage of challenges for businesses – whether these affect your business directly or indirectly by impacting your upstream or downstream markets.