A family provision claim seeks that the Court make an order which varies the terms of a will, as adequate provision has not been made by the Deceased under their will.
Katherine McCarthy
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Family Provision
By Katherine McCarthy on Nov 24, 2022 2:58:43 PM
The dangers of the "just place it into liquidation" mentality
By Katherine McCarthy on Dec 21, 2020 2:42:51 PM
We recently had clients seek advice from us to resolve a situation they found themselves in, where they had been told by a key advisor to “just place the company into liquidation”.
How to get paid without spending big money on debt recovery
By Katherine McCarthy on Sep 30, 2020 11:59:12 AM
Do you struggle with debtors? Do you find people don’t pay your invoices on time Do you struggle with cash flow? Do you want to a cost-effective way to recover your debts?
Why you need to know about the Security for Payment Act
By Katherine McCarthy on Mar 17, 2020 9:50:47 AM
The Security of Payment Act legislation (SOPA) enabled through the Building and Constructions Industry Security of Payment Act 1999 (NSW) (“the Act”) is a provision which allows creditors to enforce progress claim payments as per their contract. This is for works carried out, and goods and services provided in the construction industry, in accordance with their contract.
Child Support 101
By Katherine McCarthy on Jul 31, 2019 9:58:54 AM
Parents with children under the age of 18 years have a responsibility to financially support and provide for their children. When marriages or de facto relationships break down causing the parents to separate, that financial responsibility to their children does not end. As a result, the primary carer is usually entitled to receive money from the non-primary carer to assist with providing for the children. This is to pay for food, clothing, education expenses and the day to day expenses in raising children. This payment occurs by way of child support.
Mental Health and Parenting in Family Law
By Katherine McCarthy on Jul 11, 2019 2:47:00 PM
Some people believe that in Family Law a parent with a mental health issue will be disqualified from spending time with their child. That is not the case. The paramount consideration in parenting matters is what is in the best interests of the children, which is having a meaningful relationship with both parents while minimising harm to the child.
How the Courts Respond Uniquely
By Katherine McCarthy on Jun 6, 2019 4:02:22 PM
Every matter involving parenting arrangements is different; they each have their own uniqueness that requires careful consideration by the court. However, across all cases, the court’s key consideration is what is in the best interests of the child.
How to safely leave a violent relationship
By Katherine McCarthy on Mar 14, 2019 2:03:24 PM
We all would like to live in a world where there is no fighting or violence, but the truth is that in Australia currently, at least one woman dies from domestic violence a week. Often domestic violence is kept secret within the walls of the home, with family and friends unaware. We must be more educated and socially aware to offer support and help people suffering this danger. Victims should not feel ashamed and know that there is support available to help them change their circumstances.