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Ben Woodward

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Lankester v Cribb – The Paramount Considerations in parenting Cases

By Ben Woodward on Nov 30, 2022 9:25:55 AM

The case of Lankester & Cribb [2018] FamCAFC 60 demonstrates how a Court will evaluate and balance the primary considerations in s 60CC of the Family Law Act. The matter concerned whether the primary judge had erred in making Orders initially suspending time between the mother and the child.

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Family Violence and Cross-Examination: Does the Law Care?

By Ben Woodward on Nov 1, 2022 12:16:31 PM

The often sensitive and emotion-charged nature of family law parenting proceedings means that the Australian judicial system must adapt the ordinarily strict rules of evidence and cross-examination to more appropriately deal with the complex circumstances that may arise in a family law situation. Section 102NA of the Family Law Act (Cth) (‘FLA’) presents a recent example of how the legislature has chosen to navigate the sensitive issue of family violence in the context of parenting and property cases. 

Topics: Litigation
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