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Corporate and Commercial calendar    Apr 21, 2021

Do I Need A Shareholders Agreement?

A shareholders agreement is a binding contract between the shareholders of a company which outlines their key rights and obligations. While it is not a requirement, it is a good idea to set one up at the beginning of a new business venture wherever there are two or more shareholders. Having a shareholders agreement will allow for the smooth function of your business by preventing disputes.

A shareholders agreement is a binding contract between the shareholders of a company which outlines their key rights and obligations. While it is not a requirement, it is a good idea to set one up at the beginning of a new business venture wherever there are two or more shareholders. Having a shareholders agreement will allow for the smooth function of your business by preventing disputes.

In the early stages of a business, you may not have any conflict or foresee any future issues. However, conflict in business is common and a shareholders agreement will cover issues you may not have contemplated yet.

A typical shareholders agreement will cover your business structure, management arrangements and the process around appointing and removing directors. It will also cover buy/sell arrangements so there is a process to follow if someone wants to sell their shares. Shareholder agreements can also cover the requirements for making certain decisions and a dispute resolution processes to follow if any disputes arise. Additionally, they will cover dividend payments and a process to follow if there is a death or total disablement of a shareholder. These are some of the main issues that are covered in a shareholders agreement however it is good to know that a shareholder agreement will be tailored specifically to your business.

A shareholders agreement may also save you a lot of money. It is more cost effective to pay the price of setting up a shareholders agreement than having to pay the costs of any disputes that may arise down the line.

Shareholder agreements are also a sign of stability. This may be particularly helpful when dealing with third parties, for example if your company is trying to obtain credit form a bank. If you are thinking of bringing in another shareholder they may also request to see your shareholders agreement.

If you are interested in setting up a shareholders agreement for your business, please feel free to get in contact with one of our experienced commercial lawyers at Frank Law on (02) 9688 6023 or via

This is not legal advice. 

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