The difference between employees & contractors
If you own a business that hires workers, and especially if you use contractors, it is important that you understand the...
November 25, 2021
If you own a business that hires workers, and especially if you use contractors, it is important that you understand the...
November 25, 2021
Britney Spears has been under a conservatorship since 2008 following a very public breakdown. Since then, her father has been in...
July 21, 2021
It is increasingly common for businesses to utilise a Software as a Service (SaaS) model for their products and rely on...
June 29, 2021
Employee policies are documents that communicate an organisation’s values and expectations of employee performance and behaviour.
May 21, 2021
A company constitution is a contract between the company and the members, directors and company secretary which governs how a...
April 21, 2021
A shareholders agreement is a binding contract between the shareholders of a company which outlines their key rights and...