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calendar    Aug 25, 2016

Why you need a business advisory lawyer to help you deal with the economy

Frank Legal gives certainty in an uncertain world and in the current economic climate, it is important that you consult your lawyer to minimise risks.

In previous articles, we have shown you how your BA lawyer will add value to your business, whatever the size.

Frank Legal gives certainty in an uncertain world and in the current economic climate, it is important that you consult your lawyer to minimise risks. Here are our thoughts on two political and economic developments that have affected the business climate.

  1. The election

While the Coalition did gain a majority to form government in its own right, it did so on a very slim margin. Moreover, it has now failed to secure a majority in the Senate. This will undoubtedly affect the development of new business regulations and taxation laws as compromise and ‘horse-trading’ will be vital to a working government.

We can help you understand the changing economic and political climate, ensuring your business is up to date and in compliance with the relevant regulations. We assist with understanding the financial impact of government decisions, including how the corporate taxation and whether changing to a corporate structure will benefit your business.

  1. Brexit

In an earlier article, we discussed how Brexit may not be so bad for Australia due to increased trade opportunities with the United Kingdom and increased stability in the Australian housing market. Regardless of whether your business trades internationally, your BA lawyer can help you take advantage of the benefits of these developments and insulate your business against the risks.

If you have further questions, please contact

This is not legal advice. 

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