Frank Law Blog

7 Practical Ways to Have a Seamless Work Christmas Party

Written by Philip van den Heever | 25/11/18 9:30 PM

It is the silly season again! Workplaces are gearing up for Christmas and other End of Year functions. These functions are a great way to reward employees for another year that is now done and dusted. It is usually a very festive occasion but often functions such as these can lead to inappropriate and unwanted behaviour.

Here are 7 practical steps for employers to take BEFORE the function to minimise the risk associated with this behaviour:

  1. The Right Policy

Ensure you have proper workplace policies and procedures in place dealing with sexual harassment, drug and alcohol, use of social media, disciplinary processes and harassment and discrimination policies.

  1. Set Your Expectations

Ensure your expectations at these events and your policies are clearly communicated to all employees in writing – this include making it clear that any ‘post-function’ activities are not encouraged or endorsed by the business.

  1. What if…

Remind employees of their obligations and responsibilities when attending these functions – it helps to refer to examples of inappropriate behaviour and how this will be dealt with;

  1. Plan a Way Home

Assist employees in organising transport to and from the venue;\

  1. Insure and Protect

Update any insurance policies to ensure this type of event is covered;

  1. Party Managers

Announce to employees that managers will have the responsibility to regulate and monitor behaviour and that they are instructed to remove employees who cause a risk to others or to property; and

  1. Trim the Tab

Place a damper on alcohol consumption by limiting the tab at the bar. This is an effective way to encourage responsible drinking without banning alcohol altogether.

Creating a culture where bad behaviour at these events are swept under the carpet, will cause lead to detrimental consequences. Nothing cultivates a bad culture like dismissing complaints from employees or implementing unfair or inconsistent application of the policies because the conduct was merely ‘trivial’ or ‘all in good spirits’.  Behaviour that is not effectively dealt with or complaints that are not effectively investigated, will simply escalate in future years creating a culture of recklessness and irresponsibility at these events.

To find out how well your business is protected against these Silly Season risks, take our free business health check.